Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The best place to come in Boyacá

Villa de Leyva is located in Boyacá department. This town is becoming one of Colombia’s principal tourist attractions. If you come, remember to spend at least one night because the sky smiles and shows its purple color. If you want to eat a typical food you can eat Mondongo. If you are going to going to go to Villa de Leyva remember to bring sunscreen because the sun is bright and warm. Also at night you can bring a sweater because the temperature lows and its cold.  Finally if you are interested in seeing antiques go to Museo del Carmen. I hope this information is useful for you.



  1. I think this article serves a lot because its says the information neccerary to como to this beautifull place called villa de leyva.

  2. I think this touristic places are beautiful

  3. You give concrete advice to stay for a night, this is helpful. I have been to Villa de Leyva before but I will go back just to see the sky smile!
